Jan 28, 20171 min

8 Therapists on Postelection Anxiety — Their Clients’ and Their Own

A few weeks after the election, Science of Us sought out counselors, therapists, psychologists, and others in the mental-health field, posing two simple questions: Had they been seeing many patients with anxiety about the election result? And, if so, how had they managed their own concerns in sessions with their worried patients? The response was so overwhelming we had to stop taking calls. As a marriage and family therapist from the Bay Area glibly mused, “He says he’s the jobs president — well, he certainly is for me and my fellow therapists.”

But therapists have feelings, too, of course. As the news settled in, the psychologists we spoke to were weighing how much of their own anxieties they should divulge to their already vulnerable clients. Here’s how they coped. (Consider it free therapy.)

Read the full NY Magazine, Science of Us, article HERE.
