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Megan White, LICSW     Counseling

Uses she/her pronouns. I am a Washington State Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker. I received my Masters in Clinical Social Work from Smith College School for Social Work in 2005. I am a King County approved Sexual Minority Mental Health Specialist. I am experienced at one-on-one counseling, both short and long-term, as well as group facilitation. I have worked extensively with clients in the LGBTQ population as well as those with non-traditional relationship formations or sexual practices. My orientation and training is in psychodynamic mental health care, meaning that the relationship between therapist and client is used to help the client come to new understandings about their internal world and emotions. My style of counseling is heavily influenced by mindfulness practices and theories of trauma-informed care. The goal of my work is to help people in emotional distress experience relief. My highest hope is that I can help people build lives that are passionate, connected, meaningful and fulfilling.

I work with a group of like-minded professionals who have joined together under the name TransMission Wellness. Each provider is their own business entity, but we share a common set of values and treatment goals. We are committed to making a safe space for all gender identities, are LGBTQ affirming, and are knowledgeable about non-traditional sexual and relationship practices.

I am currently a member of the Clinical Social Work Association, and the Washington State Society for Clinical Social Workers.


License Number- LW60145350 Washington





Megan White, LICSW


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